I predict that Zoey will have all these different powers and that she wont be able to control them at first. But then she go to her grandma for help. And ends up making fun of Aphrodite. And that Aphrodite will wash to have revenge on Zoey. And that Erik asked Zoey out and Aphrodite will get more mad.
What I found interesting was that Zoey was a very powerful person. And that she didn't even know until she told her grandma to explain it to Zoey. And about how she even has powers to take out people who are just as power full as her. In the book she is afraid about how to take out people with out hurting them to death. Aphrodite was the first she took out. I like how all of a sudden she felt great and confident with when doing the spell that her grandma told her.
Why is this your prediction? You MUST have evidence that supports your prediction - otherwise it is simply a guess.